Sector Partnership Initiative (SPI)

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New Hampshire Sector Partnerships Initiative (SPI)

The Sector Partnerships Initiative (SPI) is a new industry-driven statewide initiative to help businesses in targeted industries address their workforce needs, while also helping workers prepare for and advance in careers in these critical sectors. The initiative is initially focusing on four industries: manufacturing, hospitality, healthcare, and information technology. Through this innovative public/private collaboration, groups of businesses within each target industry participate in sector partnerships, formal collaborations where they will convene on a regular basis to identify shared hiring, training, and retention needs. Businesses will then work with a range of critical partners to develop training programs and other workforce services to address businesses’ shared workforce needs.

NH Sector Partnerships Initiative (SPI) for Manufacturing

Supporting 67,218 workers across approximately 1,950 businesses, manufacturing is one of New Hampshire’s largest industries – behind only retail, health care, and government – and is one of its major economic drivers. It is also poised to grow: small and large companies throughout the state indicate that they are ready to expand, contingent upon their ability to fill key positions. Companies considering a move to New Hampshire will also require a qualified workforce large enough to fill the jobs they bring.

NHMEP Bridges the Gap between Manufacturers and Educational Institutions

Throughout the year, NHMEP organizes student tours at manufacturing companies and likewise brings manufacturers to middle, high school and college level career fairs. The benefits are two-fold: they create awareness to students about the variety of opportunities that exist in the manufacturing industry and build a new generation of skilled workers for manufacturing companies who are growing rapidly. Our efforts peak during Manufacturing Month, a national event held every October.

SPI will help you fund your manufacturing training programs

If you have identified needs that your current training process is unable to meet, or you need your existing team to learn a new skill, NH SPI is a valuable resource for you. Leveraging connections with many existing workforce training programs, the NH SPI team will map your needs with state and federal funding and training resources to create a flexible, consistent plan.

Connecting the dots for the manufacturing industry

When the team of manufacturing and workforce development professionals at SPI looks for funding opportunities to offset the cost of your industry-led training program, they look to several state and federal funding sources. They understand the nuances of the funding and resources detailed below and make it easy to find the combination that works for your company. 


State and local manufacturing funding and incentives

  • Office of Workforce Opportunity: NH Job Training Fund
    • Company benefits: tuition reimbursement (further information from individual companies)
  • NH Department of Education: English Language Learner Training for Employers 
  • NH Charitable Foundation: The Medallion Fund 
  • NH Employment Security: Return to Work Program
  • Community College System of NH: WorkReadyNH Program
  • NHWorks: On The Job Training Program
  • Community College System of NH: ApprenticeshipNH 
  • NH Community Development Finance Authority: Block Grant Program
  • MY TURN Inc.


Federal SPI manufacturing sector funding and incentives

  • U.S. Department of Labor Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult and Dislocated Worker Funds 
  • U.S. Department of Labor Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Funds 
  • U.S. Department of Labor National Dislocated Worker Grants 
  • U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant
  • US Department of Labor Apprenticeship Program

Contact NHMEP today to find out how SPI resources can benefit your manufacturing company or educational institution.

SPI Manufacturing Sector Advisor

Tony Fernandez | 603.226.3200 |


Interested in participating in a career fair or presenting your company’s capabilities and internships/job opportunities to students?


Are you an educational institution that would like to have manufacturers give a virtual presentation to students?



Manufacturing Day is recognized by Presidential proclamation annually in October and kicks off Manufacturing Month. All 50 states of the nation celebrate Manufacturing Day. Find out how your school or manufacuring business can get involved in New Hampshire Manufacturing Month – October 2021.

01 May

People Leaders Academy

Virtual Instructor Led Classes

About NH MEP

New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership
172 Pembroke Road
Concord, NH  03301

Phone: 603-226-3200

The New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, disability, age, political affiliation or belief. This nondiscrimination policy encompasses the operation of all educational and training programs and activities. It also encompasses the employment of personnel and contracting for goods and services.

Press Releases

NH MEP Welcomes New Center Director, Tony Fernandez

WELCOME Tony Fernandez, new Center Director/President at NH MEP!

Grant for NH manufacturers seeks to strengthen domestic supply chain

A federal grant of $400,000 is directed to New Hampshire manufacturers to help them build a supply chain that relies more on local and national suppliers and less on foreigners companies. The grant will be administered by the NH Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NHMEP), a nonprofit organization with a mandate “to work with small and medium-sized manufacturers that need assistance in any way. The purpose behind that is to keep businesses here and to keep jobs in the United States.”

Greater Rochester Manufacturers Discuss Workforce Challenges and Seek Solutions from the State

For more information please contact: Cara Tracy, Marketing Manager at carat@nhmep.orgBy Cara Tracy, NH MEP | May 17, 2022 | Updated May 26, 2022 Rochester, NH – On two occasions this month, May 16 and May 25, Rochester’s Mayor, Paul Callaghan, welcomed and facilitated...

Building the Pipeline: A Discussion on the Manufacturing Workforce in the Monadnock Region

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 15, 2022 For more information please contact: Zenagui Brahim President Keene, NH – On Tuesday, March 15, NH MEP President, Zenagui Brahim helped facilitate discussion among Keene area manufacturers. The event...

Key Takeaways from the 19th Annual Governor’s Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit

The 19th Annual Governor’s Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit was held virtually on Friday, October 22 with 156 attendees. Mike Mastergeorge, VP of Brazonics, opened the event and introduced Governor Chris Sununu’s video address highlighting the importance of the manufacturing sector to New Hampshire’s economy.