Career Fairs & Special Events

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Career Fairs Spring 2025

Wednesday, April 2, 202Morning 


Windham High School Senior Career Day

Windham High School – C238
64 London Bridge Rd
Windham, NH 03087
603.845.1558 |

On Wednesday, April 2nd, we are hosting a Career Day for our Senior students only. They will participate in (3) different 40 minute sessions during the morning hours, where they will get to learn more specifically what various careers entail, the path to get to those careers, tips and advice on experiences to take currently, and a Q&A session.

To participate, please contact:
Mrs. Kimber Leuteritz, School to Career Coordinator or 603.845.1558  x5200

Wednesday, April 9, 2025  7:45 am – 2:00 pm


Conant Middle High School Career Day 2025

Conant Middle High School
3 Conant Way
Jaffrey, NH 03452

For Event Info, Please Contact:
Dayna Jackson, ELO Coordinator & Future Planning
tel:  603-532-8131  x254

7:45 AM-11:00 AM – High School Sessions and EXPO/College Fair
11:45 AM-2:00 PM – Middle School Sessions


  • EXPO/College Fair 7:45 AM – 11:15 AM
    Format: Tables – high school learners have opportunity to visit each table
  • Presentation sessions – 6 HS sessions and 4 MS sessions
    – 25 minute sessions; sign up for one or more sessions at MS or HS level
    – Approximately 20 learners per session
    – Bring any type of presentation, hand-ons on activity, visual aides, etc.
    – Q & A at the end of the session

Wednesday, April 9, 2025  7:45 am – 2:00 pm


Career Exploration Day at Newport Middle High School

Newport Middle High School
245 North Main Street
Newport, NH 03773
603.865.9658  |

We’re looking for a couple speakers from the manufacturing industry to talk with students at our upcoming Career Exploration Day which is on April 9th at our school in Newport, NH. Speakers would meet with small groups of middle and high school students (20 kids or less) for 30 minutes at a time to present information about their careers and industry.

Additionally, that afternoon we’re having an Opportunity Fair for students to learn about future career opportunities, part-time or summer jobs, and resources to help them be successful.

For Event Info, Please Contact:
Kristie Howe
   Program Coordinator | College & Career Specialist
   National Technical Honor Society Advisor
Email:  |  Phone: (603) 865-9625

Friday, April 11, 20211:00 am – 1:00 pm 

Empowering the Future – Women in the Trades Event

NH Job Corps Campus
943 Dunbarton Road
Manchester, NH 03102
603.695.8890 |

This is a female focused event, aimed at promoting education, resources and opportunities for young women considering the trades industry.


For more event information, contact:
Cindy Encarnacion, OA/CTS Specialist, NH Job Corps
Email:  ||  Cell: 617.752.1179  ||  Office: 603.695.8890

Friday, April 11, 20212:00 – 2:00 pm 

Colebrook Academy Annual College & Career Fair

Colebrook Academy
27 Dumont Street
Colebrook, NH 03576
603.237.4801 ||

Local businesses, join us! Share with students the reason you love going to work each day.

For more event information, contact:
Brandi Covell, Guidance Counselor
Email:  ||  Tel: 603.237.4801  x1105

Thursday, April 17, 2025 8:00 am – 11:00 am


4th Annual Southern NH & Alvirne High School
Career & Job Training/Apprenticeship Expo

Alvirne High School
200 Derry Road
Hudson, NH 03051

For more info, please

The Palmer CTE Center welcomes High School Juniors and Seniors from Hudson as well as Amherst, Hollis/Brookline, Litchfield, Londonderry, Merrimack, Milford, Nashua, and Pelham.

Employer space is limited – Reserve your spot today!

Thursday, April 17, 2025  10:25 am – 12:30 pm


Plymouth Regional High School Annual Job and Career Fair

Plymouth Regional High School
86 Old Ward Bridge Road
Plymouth, NH 03264
603.536.1444 |

Dear Employer:
Plymouth Regional High School is hosting its third annual job and career fair in the Gymnasium at PRHS on Thursday, April 17, from 10:25 am until 12:30 pm.
This is a great opportunity to meet with over 600 potential new employees! This is an impressive group of students which can be a great asset to your seasonal and long term needs.
To participate in this year’s event, please contact Katelynne Jones to reserve a spot. We will be providing tables and chairs, and will make attempts to fill any special requests you may have. Please reach out to guarantee your spot by Thursday, March 27th.
Thank you again for your participation and continued support for our students!
Kyle Reed, CTE Director
Plymouth Regional High School
Serving the towns of Ashland, Campton, Holderness, Plymouth, Rumney, Thornton and Wentworth

To participate, please contact:
Katelynne Jones, Career Fair Coordinator or 603.536.1444  x2050


Tuesday, April 22, 2025  10:00 am – 1:00 pm


Central High School Career Fair 2025

Central High School
535 Beech Street
Manchester, NH 03104
tel: (603) 624-6363 

Seeking Business Partners to Participate, Contact Central HS Guidance.

  • Fair style set-up
  • Lunch will be provided

Thursday, May 8, 2025  9:00 am – 12:00 pm


Manchester School District Job Fair

Manchester Schools
Manchester, NH 03101

To participate, please contact:
Jenna Seavey

Wednesday, May 21, 2025  11:30 am – 3:15 pm


Portsmouth High School Career and Internship Fair 2025

Portsmouth High School
50 Andrew Jarvis Drive
Portsmouth, NH 03801
603.436.7100 |

Calling All Seacoast Area Businesses & Organizations hiring for summer jobs, full and/or part-time employment and internship/Extended Learning opportunities!  Join us to speak to students about options and career pathway possibilities.

The Portsmouth High School 3rd Annual Career & Internship Fair 2025 is being held on Wednesday, May 21, 2025 from 11:30am-3:15pm in the PHS gymnasium. The cost is $50 per organization or $20 non-profit rate. Up to 2 attendees per organization. Lunch provided.

For more information, please contact:

Nicole Bellabona, M.Ed., GCDF
   College & Career Readiness/ELO Coordinator/Clipper Careers
email:  ||  tel: 603.436.7100 x2935

Please complete our short

Wednesday, May 28, 2025  10:00 am – 11:00 am


Career Fair at Fall Mountain Regional High School

Fall Mountain Regional High School
134 FMRHS Road
Langdon, NH 03602
603.835.6318 |

This event is open to students of FMRS only. It is designed to help students explore a variety of career options, educational opportunities and gain insights into the professional world as they prepare for life beyond high school.

With eighteen local and regional businesses in attendance, students will have the opportunity to connect with professionals, ask questions, and learn about career paths they may not have previously considered. Representatives from a wide range of industries – including healthcare, technology, engineering, veterinary medicine, natural resources, and more – will be available to provide information and resources about their fields.

Manufacturing companies are encouraged to participate.
The firm deadline to reserve a table is May 14. 

To participate, please contact:
Kim Chandler, Fall Mountain Regional High School  |  603.835.6318

About NH MEP

New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership
172 Pembroke Road
Concord, NH  03301

Phone: 603-226-3200

The New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, disability, age, political affiliation or belief. This nondiscrimination policy encompasses the operation of all educational and training programs and activities. It also encompasses the employment of personnel and contracting for goods and services.

Press Releases

NH MEP Welcomes New Center Director, Tony Fernandez

WELCOME Tony Fernandez, new Center Director/President at NH MEP!

Grant for NH manufacturers seeks to strengthen domestic supply chain

A federal grant of $400,000 is directed to New Hampshire manufacturers to help them build a supply chain that relies more on local and national suppliers and less on foreigners companies. The grant will be administered by the NH Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NHMEP), a nonprofit organization with a mandate “to work with small and medium-sized manufacturers that need assistance in any way. The purpose behind that is to keep businesses here and to keep jobs in the United States.”

Greater Rochester Manufacturers Discuss Workforce Challenges and Seek Solutions from the State

For more information please contact: Cara Tracy, Marketing Manager at carat@nhmep.orgBy Cara Tracy, NH MEP | May 17, 2022 | Updated May 26, 2022 Rochester, NH – On two occasions this month, May 16 and May 25, Rochester’s Mayor, Paul Callaghan, welcomed and facilitated...

Building the Pipeline: A Discussion on the Manufacturing Workforce in the Monadnock Region

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 15, 2022 For more information please contact: Zenagui Brahim President Keene, NH – On Tuesday, March 15, NH MEP President, Zenagui Brahim helped facilitate discussion among Keene area manufacturers. The event...

Key Takeaways from the 19th Annual Governor’s Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit

The 19th Annual Governor’s Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit was held virtually on Friday, October 22 with 156 attendees. Mike Mastergeorge, VP of Brazonics, opened the event and introduced Governor Chris Sununu’s video address highlighting the importance of the manufacturing sector to New Hampshire’s economy.